Re: proposed text for earl:manual, earl:semiAutomated, and earl:automatic

Hi Shadi,

That looks ok to me. If ERT accepts that wording, I'll tweak my proposal 
to the AUWG to have a similar flow.


Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following today's discussion on the descriptions of test modes, please 
> find below an update of the proposed text based on the suggestions by 
> Jan Richards:
> #### PROPOSED TEXT ####
> - earl:manual
> Where the test was carried out by a human. This includes the case where 
> the human was aided by instructions or guidance provided by a software 
> tool, but where the human has carried out the actual test procedure.
> - earl:semiAutomatic
> Where the test was partially carried out by the software tool, but where 
> human input or judgment was still required to decide or help decide the 
> outcome of the test.
> - earl:automatic
> Where the test was carried out automatically by the software tool and 
> without any human intervention.
> NOTE: the earl:CompoundAssertor class should be used to clarify where 
> combinations of humans and tools, or where collection of tools have 
> collectively carried out a test.
> #### ############# ####
> Is this definition clearer now? Can you picture your most favorite tool 
> and easily find where it would fit in according to this definition? How 
> about your least favorite tool and some others in between?
> Regards,
>   Shadi

Jan Richards, M.Sc.
User Interface Design Specialist
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre (ATRC)
Faculty of Information Studies
University of Toronto

   Phone: 416-946-7060
   Fax:   416-971-2896

Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2007 21:57:59 UTC