Re: experience generating EARL for GRDDL test results


Dan Connolly wrote:
> OK, I fixed those in v 1.6 2007/01/15 18:45:41

Great, thanks for sharing this mini implementation, as mentioned we will 
be starting to collect these for CR stage.

>> * assertedBy: make sure that dan:dwc is a foaf:Agent (such as 
>> foaf:Person) or an earl:Software as described in [1].
> Hmm... I believe I am a foaf:Agent; does EARL require that I say so 
> explicitly? In the same file? That's odd. I already say I'm a 
> person elsewhere.

No, if dan:dwc is of type foaf:Person (or any other foaf:Agent subclass) 
then it conforms to the spec.

> The spec seems to say that the range of assertedBy is earl:Assertor; 
> isn't that enough? Hmm... Asserter has "allowable types" 
> SingleAssertor and CompoundAssertor. The prose seems to say that 
> every Asserter is either a SingleAssertor or a CompoundAssertor; you 
> can say that using OWL:
>  earl:Asserter owl:unionOf (earl:SingleAssertor earl:CompoundAssertor).

We used owl:oneOf, also for earl:SingleAssertor. I believe effectively 
it is the same outcome.

> In fact, those tables in Appendix B are pretty nice; they're just a few 
> lines of XSLT away from being nice RDFS/OWL schemas. Why are they 
> non-normative?

To avoid having the RDF/XML and the tables be both normative. However, I 
grant your point and we will re-discuss this issue.

> When you say "required properties," do you mean owl:minCardinality 1?


> Looking at [1], I see
>   "An Assertion must have at least the following properties"
> that's odd too.

It should mean "An instance of an Assertion class must contain the 
following properties". Would that be a more precise way to phrase 
"owl:minCardinality 1" in simple text?

>> [1] <>


Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe |
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Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2007 08:59:38 UTC