[HTTP-in-RDF] Revised simplified approach (2)

Hi group,

I did some small changes to the Revised simplified approach proposal 
sent in mail

- names of properties with collections are in plural form 
(http:requests, http:headers, http:headerElements, http:params)
- dc:date added to http:Message

Johannes Koch
BIKA Web Compliance Center - Fraunhofer FIT
Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Phone: +49-2241-142628    Fax: +49-2241-142065
|- 1 http:connectionAuthority
|- 0..1 http:requests

http:connectionAuthority (rdfs:Literal)
http:requests ((Collection of) http:Request)

|- 1 http:httpVersion
|- 0..1 dc:date
|- 0..1 http:headers

http:httpVersion (rdfs:Literal)
http:headers ((Collection of) http:MessageHeader)

http:Request rdfs:subClassOf http:Message
|- 1 http:methodName
|- 0..1 http:method
|- 1 http:requestURI
|- 0..1 http:body
|- 0..1 http:response

http:methodName (rdfs:Literal)
http:method (http:Method resource)
http:requestURI (rdfs:Literal or http://www.w3.org/2006/http#asterisk)
http:abs_path rdfs:subPropertyOf http:requestURI
http:absoluteURI rdfs:subPropertyOf http:requestURI
http:authority rdfs:subPropertyOf http:requestURI
http:body ((rdf:Alt of) http:Content)
http:response (http:Response)

http:Response rdfs:subClassOf http:Message
|- 1 http:statusCodeNumber
|- 0..1 http:statusCode
|- 1 http:reasonPhrase
|- 1 http:body

http:statusCodeNumber (rdfs:Literal, typed: 3Digit)
http:statusCode (http:StatusCode resource)
http:reasonPhrase (rdfs:Literal)

|- 1 http:fieldName
|- 0..1 http:headerName
|- 1 http:fieldValue
|- 0..1 http:headerElements

http:fieldName (rdfs:Literal)
http:headerName (http:HeaderName resource)
http:fieldValue (rdfs:Literal)
http:headerElements ((Collection of) http:HeaderElement)

http:HeaderName [with predefined resources for each registered header]

|- 1 http:elementName
|- 0..1 http:elementValue
|- 0..1 http:params

http:elementName (rdfs:Literal)
http:elementValue (rdfs:Literal)
http:params ((Collection of) http:Param)

|- 1 http:paramName
|- 1 http:paramValue

http:paramName (rdfs:Literal)
http:paramValue (rdfs:Literal)


http:Base64Content rdfs:subClassOf http:Content
|- 1 http:bytes

http:bytes (rdfs:Literal, typed: xsd:base64Binary)

http:TextContent rdfs:subClassOf http:Content
|- 1 http:chars

http:chars (rdfs:Literal)

http:XMLContent rdfs:subClassOf http:Content
|- 0..1 http:xmlLeadingMisc
|- 0..1 http:docTypeDecl
|- 1 http:xmlRest

http:xmlLeadingMisc (rdfs:XMLLiteral)
http:docTypeDecl (http:DocTypeDecl)
http:xmlRest (rdfs:XMLLiteral)

|- 1 http:dtdName
|- 0..1 http:publicId
|- 0..1 http:systemId
|- 0..1 http:internalSubset

http:dtdName (rdfs:Literal)
http:publicId (rdfs:Literal)
http:systemId (rdfs:Literal, typed: xsd:anyURI)
http:internalSubset (rdfs:Literal)

http:Method [with predefined resources for each defined method]

http:StatusCode [with predefined resources for each registered status code]

http:StatusCodeGroup [with predefined resources for some status code groups: 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx]

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2007 15:07:32 UTC