RE: EARL Validator

> >I'm studing Computer Science, in Oviedo and I'm trying to develop an 
> >earl validator in my final Project of Technical Engineer on Systems 
> >Computing.
> >My earl validator,is a small program, which try to validate earl 
> >documents.
> >This is the web site:
> >
> >
> >If someone is interested in this project, and decided to 
> test it, I´m 
> >very gratefull, that you send mi, all your questions, and 
> suggestions.
> Hi Alejandra,
> When I tried to get it to validate the test document, it just 
> tells me "error user not found" - is there a configuration 
> problem at the moment?

Hi Jim,

AFAIK the project is still under active development and hosted at a testing server (not always avalaible) so you can expect some failures from time to time


Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2006 11:25:11 UTC