- From: Carlos Iglesias <carlos.iglesias@fundacionctic.org>
- Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 15:00:59 +0200
- To: "Shadi Abou-Zahra" <shadi@w3.org>, <public-wai-ert@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <09700B613C4DD84FA9F2FEA5218828190E7DC2@ayalga.fundacionctic.org>
Regrets for today's conference. See comments below. -----Mensaje original----- De: public-wai-ert-request@w3.org en nombre de Shadi Abou-Zahra Enviado el: Mié 26/07/2006 01:13 p.m. Para: public-wai-ert@w3.org Asunto: ERT WG: Agenda for teleconference on Wednesday 26 July, 2006 >1. Updated HTTP Vocabulary in RDF Editors' Draft > - latest editors' draft of 5 July, 2006: > <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/HTTP/WD-HTTP-in-RDF-20060705> > - see questions in editors' notes "There's still discussion about whether to use a single property for the URI or have a more verbose approach (scheme, user-info, host, port, path, query, fragment)." +1 for single property IMO a more verbose approach is not necessary because it would add a lot of verbosity without much added value (I think almost all well-know programming languages include libraries that allow easy URI parsing). >2. Updated EARL 1.0 Schema Editors' Draft > - latest editors' draft of 18 July, 2006: > <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/EARL10/WD-EARL10-Schema-20060718> A few comments: * 1.1 Structure of EARL Results "Test Subject This can include: Web pages, tools..." IMO it should be: Web CONTENT, tools... * 2.2 Assertor "foaf:Agent ... An Agent is a super class of foaf:Person, foaf:Organization and foaf:Group which can all be used to describe an Assertor..." Due to this description I think that the previous foaf:Person section is redundant and not necessary (why a section for Person and not for Organization or Group?) Then: "earl:CompoundAssertor The Assertor is a compound group of persons and/or software..." Should be: The Assertor is a compound group of AGENTS (PERSONS, ORGANIZATIONS, GROUPS) and/or software * 2.4 Test Requirement "A Test Requirement is a test, usually one that can be passed or failed..." IMO should be something like: A Test Requirement is a SUCCESS CRITERIA, usually one that can be passed or failed... To avoid confusion between the test requirements and the tests themselfs. Then: "A Test Requirement may be a single test, or may be a part of a larger compound test suite..." Should be: A Test Requirement may be a single success criteria, or may be part of a larger set of success criteria * 2.5 Test Mode "earl:mixed Where there is no detailed information about the test mode available..." IMO should be something like: Where THE TEST WAS PERFORMED BY AN UNKNOW COMBINATION OF AGENTS AND/OR TOOLS... To avoid confusion with a "unknow" mode (no information at all) * 2.6.2 Confidence Level "...This may be used where a tool wants to assert..." Is the confidence level supossed to be just for tools? Additionaly, I think that Example 11 perfectly explains why the confidence property makes no sense in EARL as currently developed. It says: "...the interpretation of this value is application specific..." IMO it make no sense to include a propery for application specific values in a language to share data between applications. If you need something specific to your application you should extend the language for your specific use case. * 2.7 Software Tool I find the Example 13 obscure. It says: "The software which was an Assertor in example 5 is now a Test Subject" But that's not clear in the example. IMO could be better: The software which was an Assertor in example 5 could also be used as a Test Subject and make use of the inherited properties * 4 Conformance "An EARL Report is a set of instances of the Assertor class called assertions..." Sounds weird. Should be?: An EARL Report is a set of instances of the ASSERTION class called assertions... * Appendix A: EARL 1.0 Schema in RDF/XML The xmlns:dct is missing The Schema remains invalid due to an error in the SingleAssertor Class definition * Appendix E and F should be renamed to D and E respectively as they are in the table of contents > - "Testable Statement" class by Charles: > <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2006Jul/0032> > - are there other issues? see more questions: > <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2006Jul/0018> Regards, CI.
Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2006 13:04:10 UTC