Re: HTTP Vocab, header property naming

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 13:50:14 +0100, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:

> Hi Danny,
> Thank you for your review comments, we will consider your suggestions. 
> However, note that the names for the terms came from the respective RFCs 
> and we didn't want to change too much (not even the camelBack notation).
> We would be interested in your implementation experience, especially in 
> information about an application that makes use of the vocabulary.

In particular, what happens when we carefully provide a proper human  
title for the resource. Does it still assume that the identifier we used  
for it
is the most human-readable thing available?



> Danny Ayers wrote:
>> Looking at the naming of the header properties, it seems to me that
>> while e.g. "link" is the most concise local name for that property,
>> and the machine can tell it's a subPropertyOf http:header, it would be
>> clearer for the human reader were its name to make clear that it was a
>> header, i.e. something like "link-header".
>> Another (considerably less significant) reason this may be worth
>> considering is that it may be desirable to use some of the header
>> terms in a future version of the schema for non-header purposes:
>> "public", "title", "position"... there are a lot of words with a
>> meaning outside of the header context.
>> I ran into the question in a practical context, playing with the
>> vocabulary in Jena, there's a snag when using the schemagen tool [1]
>> to generate a Java representation of the schema - two of the generated
>> property names conflicted with Java keywords: if & public. I certainly
>> don't think this inconvenience in itself is adequate justification for
>> changing the vocab, but the general principle of favouring
>> self-explanatory names could well be.
>> See also:
>> Cheers,
>> Danny.
>> [1]

Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
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Received on Wednesday, 27 December 2006 16:27:54 UTC