Tests with VRP RDF parser


inspired by Johannes' few weeks ago I  made some tests with
 the VRP ( RDF parser
(checking the schema, etc.), and came across some 
problems which I'd like to share with the group :).

VRP in it's full and intrinsic checking mode
comes up with severel sematic errors, like the 
following in the owl schema:

Semantic error3039 The range definition of the sub property does not
   fit to the range definition of the super property.
   Error called by: RDF_Validator.sPO_range_domain

   http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#equivalentProperty and the super
   property http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subPropertyOf 
   see also:
   at line: 65(1) of http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl: 

The problem appers if a property is defined as subproperty of another
property, with no definition of certain domain / range values. 
In that case VRP does not automatically inherit the values from the 
superclass, but simply takes the values of rdf:Ressource - which
has a broader definition :(

- deactivate checking of domain / range relations - although checking 
  certainly is a cool thing
- (?activate automatic inheritance of domain / range values?)

Any similar experiences?


Received on Thursday, 22 September 2005 08:59:40 UTC