- From: Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 10:53:17 +0200
- To: public-wai-ert@w3.org
Hi, FYI, another introduction to RDF. Also see the thread of responses, it contains some good insights into the topic: <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2005Oct/0005> Regards, Shadi -------- Original Message -------- Subject: New Intro to RDF Resent-Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 22:22:45 +0000 Resent-From: semantic-web@w3.org Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 18:22:07 -0400 From: Joshua Tauberer <tauberer@for.net> To: 'SWIG' <semantic-web@w3.org> Hi, As probably everyone on the list knows, there's a lot of negative opinions of RDF out there, and it seems like some of this stems from a confusion of RDF the XML format and RDF the general method for expressing knowledge. But, I haven't come across a deep explanation of what RDF-the-method is that we can point people to so they know there's more to RDF than the serialization format. I know such a document may very well exist, but I figured I would take a stab at writing one myself. (If it has no value for anyone else, at least I gained a deeper understand of RDF by writing it :-). What I wrote is posted at: http://taubz.for.net/code/semweb/whatisrdf/ The goal was to introduce RDF from the beginning, show why it's useful for modeling knowledge in a distributed way, and to give a basic presentation of RDFS and OWL. It's long for an introduction as I tried to be as explicit as possible about what defines RDF (at least in my understanding of RDF). A shorter to-the-point version could be synthesized from this. Comments welcome, especially if you think it was worth the time writing. :) -- - Joshua Tauberer http://taubz.for.net ** Nothing Unreal Exists ** -- Shadi Abou-Zahra, Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe Chair and Team Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), http://www.w3.org/ Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), http://www.w3.org/WAI/ WAI-TIES Project, http://www.w3.org/WAI/TIES/ Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/ 2004, Route des Lucioles -- 06560, Sophia-Antipolis -- France Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64 Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22
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