Re: First Working Draft of EARL 1.0 Requirements

Shadi was good enough to dig out my outstanding action items, so this is  
where I am up to:

On Mon, 30 May 2005 14:54:07 +0200, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:

> Items still open:
> <>
>  - Modify schema to accommodate types of subjects (products)
>     * CMN: chase karl and come up with a proposal

There was a proposal in the schema modifications proposal, and a  
disccussion after that, and I am happy about the results. I don't plan to  
continue this action item

>  - Conversion between current and newer EARL versions
>     * CMN: look into implementation for this functionality
> <>
>  * cmn to look up how to define ID as required

I though I had done this. We have to make some special magic, or implement  
it outside RDF.

> <>
>  * chaals dig out how to require some non-earl property in the earl  
> spec, using OWL

Same way you require an earl property using OWL. e.g. owl:Restriction,  
owl:someValuesFrom, ...

I plan to look at this when doing a new spec draft - i.e. at the point  
where we get to discussing what restrictions we might want.


Charles McCathieNevile                    
          hablo español - je parle français - jeg lærer norsk
   Here's one we prepared earlier:

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2005 12:51:09 UTC