Re: Opportunity for ERT WG Face-to-Face Meeting Late October in Germany

On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 17:27:16 +0200, Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:

> We are looking at the 27-28 October as a possible date.


sorry, but that week is impossible for me. The week before, and perhaps  
the week after are possible at this stage, and I thank the Fraunhofer  
institute for the offer, as it is at least straightforward for me to get  

I am happy to look into hosting at Opera, but the question in my mind is  
whether people want to come to Oslo, since it is relatively far out of the  
way and expensive (if we are considering a place in Europe). I can perhaps  
organise hosting in Spain, which is cheap and a little better connected,  
at some point.

Anyway, I'll wait and see for now.



Charles McCathieNevile                    
          hablo español - je parle français - jeg lærer norsk
   Here's one we prepared earlier:

Received on Friday, 12 August 2005 00:59:57 UTC