Re: Locating In EARL Example

Thanks for the excellent EARL example code.

I've updated the test case to show the new EARL:

I've adopted all your recommendations except for:

> - Left out encoding since XML is utf-8 by default
My tool puts in the encoding by default so I've left it in. I don't think 
there's a problem either way.

>   + Provided some (pretty arbitrary) DC stuff to describe the tool. Note 
> that I didn't provide an identifier, because I don't actually know about 
> what version it is, etc.
I've put in a dc:version which identifies the version of the tool. Is there 
anything else that should go there?

>   + Added a datatype to the date.
I added the datatype to both dates in the file. One of the dates in your 
file didn't have the datatype which I assumed was just an oversight.

The element: <earl:Subject rdf:resource="#subject"/> does not contain any of 
the elements that describe the subject. Is that correct?

>   + Removed the confidence, since I don't think it's a good idea.
I've left it in for now. The confidence is used to express how confident the 
test result is. Here are 3 examples to show how it's useful:
1) image missing alt attribute - confidence high. This is a problem for 
2) image missing longdesc - confidence low. This is likely not a problem.
3) image alt text is same as file name - confidence medium. This is likely a 
problem but it could be OK.

I think we should keep the confidence rating.

> If you feed this to the RDF validator at 
> it says that it is valid, and it will draw you the picture.
My EARL example code validates except for the 'confidence' rating.

> ...although I am not sure what the src property is meant to do.
It's used to identify the image if the document is modified and the xpath 
expression is invalid. We'll have to make up other "testing" elements to 
hold information for other test cases too.


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 12:29:54 UTC