test samples updated to CR and new names


I've been working on moving the test samples to the new naming 
convention and map them to the April 2008 CR of WCAG 2.0. Some links 
still need to be fixed, but you can have a preview at the following 
(temporary) location:
I also need to work on script that transforms the SC ID into the SC 
number, and add the levels of the succes critetria, but at least 
there's something to look at and discuss.
Some test samples will also disappear until we can link them to a 
technique or failure. There are currently 48 test samples without 
such a mapping.

Best regards,


Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
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Received on Friday, 23 May 2008 14:31:32 UTC