Proposal for a new metadata element

Hi group,
During the last teleconference we were discussing about the reuse of the techComment metadata element for providing internal use information (currently to help track the updated test samples).

There was an agreement about the need of such internal notes and also about the need of a clear identification as such. We also came to the conclusion that the misuse of any element for a different purpose than the one it was intended for is clearly a bad practice.

So, the proposal on the table right now is to add a new "internalNotes", "developmentNotes", or the like, property, specifically intended for this tracking information during the test samples development process. This way we would also get more flexibility for the future management of this kind of comments that may be discarded in the future.

According to Christophe this wouldn't be much additional work at this stage. Is there any objection to this proposal?



Carlos Iglesias

Fundación CTIC
Parque Científico-Tecnológico de Gijón
33203 - Gijón, Asturias, España
teléfono: +34 984291212
fax: +34 984390612

Received on Friday, 4 July 2008 10:17:29 UTC