Re: Action Item: Testsamples and WCAG 2.0 WD

Hi Reinhard,

At 12:21 19/07/2007, Reinhard Ruemer wrote:

>Dear All,
>I had a look at the referenced rules of the following testcases:

Thanks for looking at these test cases. The next step is to update 
the test cases to the current draft:
* check that the test case is still relevant,
* check the fail/pass statement,
* update the rule element,
* check that locations refer to generated code (which is usually the 
case for test samples without scripting),
* add/update the technique/failure mapping.

>*sc1.2.5_l3_001 -> No changes between WD20060427 and 20070517 in the
>rule numbering, but the underlying definitions of some terms have been

For example, in this test case, the rule element would refer to
instead of the current pointer.

>*sc1.2.6_l3_001-> Changes between WD20060427 and 20070517 in the
>wording of the rule, but the numbering ist the same.
>*sc1.2.7_l3_001 -> Changes between WD20060427 and 20070517 in the
>wording of the rule, but the numbering ist the same.
>I also had a look at the following testcase:
>*sc2.5.1_l1_001 ->Changes in the numbering of the Guideline (2.5.1 to
>3.3.1) as well as in the wording of the Guideline.

In the last telecon, Shadi clarified that test cases that map to 
success criteria that have been renumbered (e.g. those for guideline 
2.5) must not be removed because the URLs are meant to be permanent 
("Cool URLs don't change"). This means that we will have some 
outdated test cases in the current repository. (We can identify test 
cases for the current WCAG working draft by means of the xlink:href 
attribute in the rule element.)

>My comparison shows, that the referenced Guidelines in the current
>testcases need to be looked at and in some cases changed to comply with
>the new WCAG2.0 WD.

Indeed. See 

Best regards,


>Mag. Reinhard Ruemer
>Universitaet Linz
>Institut Integriert Studieren
>Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz
>Tel.: +43 (0)732 2468 1273

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51 


Received on Thursday, 19 July 2007 10:42:04 UTC