Re: NCAM tools (was Re: W3C List of Evaluation Tools)

Hi Shadi, Andrew,

YES, of course it is the tool "Media Access Generator (MAGpie) ". I 
mismatched it with "Home Media Center" on the same website as "Media 
Access Generator (MAGpie) ". So it is my mistake ;-). I have generated a 
new message accordingly.
But the mentioned concerns were about  the tool "Media Access Generator 
(MAGpie) ", which is more an authoring tool rather than an evaluation tool.



Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
> Hi Yehya, Andrew,
> Ref: <>
> On our to-do list we have the following NCAM tools listed:
> * MAGpie
> * Accessibility QA Favelet
> I'm not sure where "Home Media Center" came into play and I don't 
> believe we have discussed this tool before. Maybe I confused something?
> Cheers,
>  Shadi
> Andrew Arch wrote:
>> Shadi,
>> I'm afraid I'm not at all convinced. NCAM describe it as researching 
>> "speech
>> navigation solutions for next generation home media centre platforms" 
>> - how
>> does this fit with the web? As well, it a research project, with no
>> immediate application.
>> But I'm always open to persuasion :)
>> Andrew
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Yehya Mohamad []
>> Sent: Sunday, 12 February 2006 10:26 PM
>> To: Andrew Arch
>> Cc:;
>> Subject: Re: W3C List of Evaluation Tools
>> Hi Andrew,
>> I have expressed the same concerns to Shadi in one of the last telecons,
>> but he was the opinion that the outcome of this project is so unique,
>> that we should consider it in the list.
>> Regards
>> Yehya
>> Andrew Arch wrote:
>>> Hi Yehya,
>>> I don't quite understand how this project
>>> ( fits into the category of
>>> Evaluation and Repair tool for web accessibility.
>>> Andrew
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> []On Behalf Of Yehya Mohamad
>>> Sent: Sunday, 12 February 2006 10:07 PM
>>> To:
>>> Cc:;
>>> Subject: W3C List of Evaluation Tools
>>> Dear Tool Vendor or Developer,
>>> The W3C/WAI Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG) is
>>> currently in the process of updating the following list of Web
>>> accessibility evaluation tools on which your tool is listed:
>>>    * <>
>>> The new version of this tools list will provide sorting capabilities so
>>> that users are able to find tools according to their specific needs. The
>>> following static mock-ups show how this sortable list will look like:
>>>    * <>
>>> We are contacting you to help populate the database with current
>>> information about your tool. Below you will find information about your
>>> tool that is currently available to us. Please review this information,
>>> complete any missing fields or provide changes.
>>> This information will be published unless we receive correction or
>>> amendments. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
>>>    *
>>>    * Shadi Abou-Zahra <>
>>> * TOOL NAME: NCAM's Home Media Center
>>> * VENDOR NAME: CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
>>> * HOME PAGE:
>>> * RELEASE DATE: 2006-01-01
>>>   (YYYY-MM-DD format)
>>> The WGBH National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM), a division of
>>> Boston\'s public broadcaster WGBH. NCAM's Home Media Center project will
>>> research speech navigation solutions for next generation home media
>>> center platforms, which typically rely on complex onscreen menus not
>>> readily accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Project
>>> activities will include:
>>>      * Creation of an accessible Linux-based home media center as a
>>> development platform
>>>      * Evaluation of other home media center devices, their
>>> accessibility needs and requirements
>>>      * Publication of source code and specifications for open source
>>> media center speech interface solutions enabled via keyboard and remote
>>> control
>>>      * Demonstration model of end-user control and navigation via a
>>> small-footprint speech interface on a personal communication device
>>>      * Publication of end-user interface research
>>>      * Final report that details the impact of project solutions and
>>> publications
>>> (The following features are described in the document "Selecting Web
>>> Accessibility Evaluation Tools" available at
>>> <>)
>>>   - Accessible to people with disabilities: yes
>>>   - Assist manual evaluation for accessibility:
>>>   - Execute automated accessibility checks:
>>>   - Provide semi-automated repair options:
>>>   - Remote on-line service:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - Generate reports:
>>>   - In-page feedback:
>>>   - Page transformations: yes
>>>   - Step-by-step evaluations:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - English: yes
>>>   - French:
>>>   - German:
>>>   - Italian:
>>>   - Japanese:
>>>   - Spanish:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - CSS, Cascading Style Sheets: yes
>>>   - XHTML, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language: yes
>>>   - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language: yes
>>>   - PDF, Portable Document Format:
>>>   - SVG, Scalabale Vector Grpahics:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - BSD Unix:
>>>   - Linux:
>>>   - MacOS:
>>>   - Solaris:
>>>   - Windows:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - AccessiWeb, French national standard:
>>>   - BITV, German national standard:
>>>   - Section 508, US national standard: yes
>>>   - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - Internet Explorer: yes
>>>   - Mozilla: yes
>>>   - Netscape:
>>>   - Opera:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - Dreamweaver:
>>>   - FrontPage:
>>>   - Photoshop:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - CSV, Comma Separated Value:
>>>   - EARL, Evaluation and Report Language:
>>>   - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language:
>>>   - XML, Extensible Markup Language:
>>>   - Other:
>>>   - Commercial:
>>>   - Free Ware: yes
>>>   - Open Source:
>>>   - Share Ware:
>>>   - Other:
>>> Thank you for your cooperation!
>>> Regards,
>>> <Yehya Mohamad> for ERT WG
>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Yehya Mohamad
>>> Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Informationstechnik (FIT.LIFE)
>>> [Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT.LIFE)]
>>> Schloss Birlinghoven, D53757 Sankt Augustin (Germany)
>>> Tel: +49-2241-142846 Fax: +49-2241-142065
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Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 07:30:50 UTC