FW: Internet Explorer Web Accessories on W3C List of Evaluation Tools

with regards

Steven Faulkner
Web Accessibility Consultant
vision australia - information & library service
454 Glenferrie Road
Kooyong Victoria 3144
Phone: (613) 9864 9281
Fax: (613) 9864 9210
Email: steven.faulkner@nils.org.au
www.accessibleinfo.org.au | www.wat-c.org

Download the Web Accessibility Toolbar

Vision Australia was formed through the merger of the Royal Blind Society
NSW, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Vision Australia
Foundation and the National Information & Library Service.
ABN: 67 108 391 831  ACN: 108 391 831

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Steven Faulkner [mailto:steven.faulkner@nils.org.au]
Sent:	Monday, 12 December 2005 2:53 PM
To:	'kyley@microsoft.com'
Subject:	Internet Explorer Web Accessories on  W3C List of Evaluation Tools

I recently sent an email (below) in regards to the listing of Internet
Explorer Web Accessories on W3C List of Evaluation Tools, I have not
received a response so am emailing you again.

with regards
steve faulkner (for ERT WG)

-----Original Message-----
From: public-wai-ert-tools-request@w3.org
[mailto:public-wai-ert-tools-request@w3.org]On Behalf Of Steven Faulkner
Sent: Wednesday, 23 November 2005 2:57 PM
To: kyley@microsoft.com
Cc: Public-Wai-Ert-Tools (E-mail); Shadi (E-mail)
Subject: W3C List of Evaluation Tools

Dear Tool Vendor or Developer,
Hi Kyle,
I am Contacting you as the W3C AC representative as I didn't have a
direct contact in regards to these tools.
Could you please forward this to the appropriate person.

The W3C/WAI Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG) is
currently in the process of updating the following list of Web
accessibility evaluation tools on which your tool is listed:
  * <http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/existingtools>

The new version of this tools list will provide sorting capabilities so
that users are able to find tools according to their specific needs. The
following static mock-ups show how this sortable list will look like:
  * <http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/eval/tools/>

We are contacting you to help populate the database with current
information about your tool. Below you will find information about your
tool that is currently available to us. Please review this information,
complete any missing fields or provide changes.

This information will be published unless we receive correction or
amendments. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
  * steve faulkner <steven.faulkner@nils.org.au>
  * Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org>

* TOOL NAME: Internet Explorer Web Accessories
* VENDOR NAME: Microsoft
* RELEASE DATE: 2001-08-27
 (YYYY-MM-DD format)
* DESCRIPTION: (200 characters maximum)
These tools help the Web developer or those just curious about how pages
are coded. The DOM tree tool lets you view all the Document Object Model
properties in tree form via the tools menu or a right-click of the
mouse. And for those who are tired of scrolling through hundreds of
lines of HTML to find that one section of code that does what you want,
search no more-now you can simply highlight the area of the Web page for
which you want to view the source, right-click on it, and select \"View
Partial Source.\" Not supported by Microsoft.

(The following features are described in the document "Selecting Web
Accessibility Evaluation Tools" available at
 - Accessible to people with disabilities:
 - Assist manual evaluation for accessibility:
 - Execute automated accessibility checks:
 - Provide semi-automated repair options:
 - Remote on-line service:
 - Other: view DOM, view source code

 - Generate reports:
 - In-page feedback:
 - Page transformations: yes
 - Step-by-step evaluations:
 - Other:

 - English: yes
 - French:
 - German:
 - Italian:
 - Japanese:
 - Spanish:
 - Other:

 - CSS, Cascading Style Sheets:
 - XHTML, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language:
 - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language:
 - PDF, Portable Document Format:
 - SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics:
 - Other:

 - BSD Unix:
 - Linux:
 - MacOS:
 - Solaris:
 - Windows:
 - Other:

 - AccessiWeb, French national standard:
 - BITV, German national standard:
 - Section 508, US national standard:
 - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0:
 - Other:

 - Internet Explorer: yes
 - Mozilla:
 - Netscape:
 - Opera:
 - Other:

 - Dreamweaver:
 - FrontPage:
 - Photoshop:
 - Other:

 - CSV, Comma Separated Value:
 - EARL, Evaluation and Report Language:
 - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language:
 - XML, Extensible Markup Language:
 - Other:

 - Commercial:
 - Free Ware: yes
 - Open Source:
 - Share Ware:
 - Other:

Thank you for your cooperation!


with regards (for ERT WG)

Steven Faulkner
Web Accessibility Consultant
vision australia - information & library service
454 Glenferrie Road
Kooyong Victoria 3144
Phone: (613) 9864 9281
Fax: (613) 9864 9210
Email: steven.faulkner@nils.org.au
www.accessibleinfo.org.au | www.wat-c.org

Download the Web Accessibility Toolbar

Vision Australia was formed through the merger of the Royal Blind
NSW, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Vision Australia
Foundation and the National Information & Library Service.
ABN: 67 108 391 831  ACN: 108 391 831

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Received on Monday, 12 December 2005 03:58:14 UTC