Transitioning 1.0 to 2.0 Requirements [Re: WCAG2TF: Agenda for 14 August Teleconference]

> 2. Transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0
>   * Confirm requirements analysis revisions:

I've made the two changes from EOWG today:
1. [done] add to requirements: clarify the status of 1.0 after 2.0 comes out
2. [done] add to requirements questions: why was WCAG 2.0 necessary, why change to WCAG 2.0

Henny, are you OK with those?

If you have any comments on the requirements, speak now or email. Otherwise, we're going to consider them done (per EOWG telecon today). (well, really, done for now. there is a possibility as we progress through the actual documents that we see a need for revision.)

~ Shawn

Received on Friday, 11 August 2006 21:21:49 UTC