I am seeing the same thing in FF. I thought it was the Library restricting external files. I checked IE and I get the “Only secured content can be displayed…” message.
From: Sharron Rush [mailto:srush@knowbility.org]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 10:25 AM
To: Eric Eggert
Cc: Wise, Charlotte; Shawn Henry; WSTF
Subject: Re: w3c.github.io/wai-website/
Hey Eric,
Thanks a million for all your work on this. I am sorry to report however that something does seem to be broken. Here is my Firefox view of the link you sent:
[Inline image 1]
On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Eric Eggert <ee@w3.org<mailto:ee@w3.org>> wrote:
Hi, Shawn, Charlotte,
I did roll out all changes that were on my list. That does not mean that I caught everything. If someone did escape my radar, dropping an email is the best way to make sure I see it.
I will make minor changes today, but I make sure to not roll out breaking changes.
I’m happy to help with content tweaks or bugfixes during next week but won’t work much on the redesign to avoid breaking things. (Breaking things is one of my super powers ;-)
I hope you have successful tests, I’m looking forward to the findings.
Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Sharron Rush | Executive Director | Knowbility.org | @knowbility
Equal access to technology for people with disabilities