Re: WAI Usability Observations from TPAC

Thanks Liz & Charlotte!

I put these on the wiki so all can see and edit:

I categorized and added notes. Many we're already on. :-) Some would benefit from more info. Maybe next Wed?


On 11/29/2017 11:01 AM, Wise, Charlotte wrote:
> Below are Liz’s updated observations from the task-based testing we did at TPAC. Enclosed also is an updated, master list of recommended site changes based on the October and TPAC testing which we can review and prioritize.
> Best,
> Charlotte
> *From:*Benefiel, Liz
> *Sent:* Monday, November 27, 2017 2:14 PM
> *To:* Wise, Charlotte <>
> *Subject:* WAI Usability Observations from TPAC
> Hey Charlotte,
> Here are the observations and recommendations from TPAC testing.
> Trends from WAI Usability Testing at TPAC (11/8/2017)
>   * A couple participants went to Teach & Advocate for T2 (convince your boss to make accessibility a priority)
>   * Multiple participants wanted to appeal to emotion for T2 and T3 (get started on accessibility), and felt that videos do that well
>   * Multiple participants generally wanted more examples on the site
>   * No participant found the Business Case section for T2
>   * Many participants did not realize there was a secondary navigation that opened when clicking main navigation links
> New Recommendations
>   * Consider renaming Teach & Advocate
>   * Consider renaming Planning & Policies
>   * Cross-pollinate and feature perspectives videos on relevant pages (e.g. Introduction to Accessibility, Business Case, How People with Disabilities Use the Web)
>   * Return to a hover fly-out menu with a delay on closing the submenu when the mouse leaves the navigation, or include a caret by the main navigation links to indicate the existence of a secondary navigation
> *Liz Benefiel *|  UX Analyst and Researcher, Visa User Experience
> O: 512 865 2585 | M: 210 862 1771 | <>
> ignature_1071261472

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2017 17:38:14 UTC