Font (& future timings)

Hi all,

Sorry I was not able to provide good input on the font issue in the teleconference yesterday. I didn't know that we were going to discuss it, and so I didn't have the relevant info loaded in my head -- and couldn't do it in the mili-second that James pauses between topics. ;-)

Important tangent: Please note that I'm often not good at making definitive decisions or even good comments unless I have relevant information beforehand. So when you want decisions made in a call, I'll need to know the issue ahead of time, as much as feasible. Agendas are good.

Back to font: After the call, I read through and the issue seems pretty clear, if I understood it all. I added my view of it here:

Looks like the requirements clearly point to: Noto Sans

(/me also read a bit about Noto font and looked for critiques, which is worth a few minutes if you're interested)

I did a quick check with Judy on Wednesday and she was OK with it, but it's good to give her a chance to "sleep on it", too.

I'm confirming with:
* W3C Communications Team
* WAI staff
* Low Vision Task Force (LVTF)
* Cognitive... Task Force
with deadline of Tuesday 14 March. [1]

So far all +1s, including from LVTF folks, which is a key audience / requirement.

I guess shouldn't jinx it by saying it looks like it will go through as the best font to meet requirements... although if I were Alicia, Caleb, and Eric, I would go ahead and make revisions now using it. :)

Looking forward to having that wrapped up and moving onward!



Received on Friday, 10 March 2017 03:27:48 UTC