Redesigned Navigation - changes and open issues

Hi all,

Thanks for comments on the draft proposed navigation. Based on comments, the revised nav:
* Does not include links to How to Meet with filters.
* Does not include links to Tutorials under Write & Design.
* Has some shortened titles in the nav.
These updates are in:
* Google sheet: "Open Issues" tab in <>
* Mockup:

There are other open comments, including:
* Standards/Guidelines in main nav -
* Combine the Implementation guidance under one menu item -

Please clear your head & heart of the previous iterations... and think from other users' perspectives. :-)

Now consider this option to address open comments:
* Standards/Guidelines in main nav, last item.
* All implementation resources under Design & Develop.

These are shown in:
* "Proposed (alt3)" tab in <>

*In case of discrepancies between the spreadsheet and the example pages*, please consider the spreadsheet the proposed navigation.

Also, there's one minor question that I don't think anyone commented on:
* Include BAD under Train & Advocate menu? Or  *not* since it is (or will be) linked from two resources that are under that menu ("Developing Accessibility Presentations & Training" and "Presentations You Can Use")?

Please refresh the spreadsheet and mockups Friday in case there are tweaks, &/or new questions.


Anyone who wants to discuss the navigation for the redesign, please put comments in GitHub &/or join the teleconference:
 Friday 25 August
 8:00C/9:00E/3:00CET (half an hour later than usual Friday EOWG call)
 usual EOWG numbers: <>


Received on Thursday, 24 August 2017 19:30:19 UTC