Top Tasks Survey - open issues

Dear Charlotte and all,

A start of a survey for Top Tasks is at:

Two open issues:

1. What type of rating would be easiest for people answering the survey and for our data analysis?
Questions 2-6 show options.

2. Answering for self, or others, or both?
I'm hesitant to for people to rate/pick top tasks only for themselves -- primarily because I think most of the people who answer the survey will be accessibility-aware and at least somewhat WAI-knowledgeable, so the results would be skewed. Ideas:
2a. Have two rating questions -- one for themselves, and one for others.
(pro: more likely to get batter data. con: longer.)
2b. One rating question where we ask them to considers, too.
(pro: shorter. con: still will be skewed.)


Also: Suggestions for re-wording any of the text?


Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2016 18:19:13 UTC