- From: Eric Eggert <ee@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016 10:42:31 +0200
- To: "WAI Site TF" <public-wai-eo-site@w3.org>
- Cc: EOWG <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 08:42:44 UTC
As the agenda was really light and with Anna Belle not available anyway this week, we won’t have a meeting today. **Meeting information for next week and beyond:** Thanks for responding to [the Doodle][doodle], it was fairly easy to pick a good time. Meetings are scheduled on [**Wednesdays, 12 noon Central**][t+d] every week, starting with **Wednesday Jund 22nd**. * [WebEx Meeting][WebEx] * US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000 * Access code: 641 844 240 * Meeting password: same as our main meeting. If in doubt, [ask Eric][meetingpwd]! Eric [t+d]: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2016&month=6&day=21&hour=17&min=0&sec=0&p1=24&p2=43&p3=37&p4=240 [WebEx]: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m91368386c32e91d09ae45dacc8bbc5c6 [meetingpwd]: mailto:ee@w3.org?subject=WAI%20site%20Meeting%20Password&body=Hi%20Eric.%20What’s%20the%20meeting%20password%20for%20the%20task%20force? [doodle]: http://doodle.com/poll/87apzsehbvkgn4bg -- Eric Eggert Web Accessibility Specialist Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 08:42:44 UTC