CSS work

Hi, Pasquale,

Are you still interested and available to work on some CSS? Here are 2 things we need:

1. positioning of date for Highlights
* page: http://www.w3.org/WAI/ut3/highlights/all.html
  - will probably do the same thing on the home page
  - can fix HTML (e.g., take out extra <br />)
* css: http://www.w3.org/WAI/ut3/wai-highlights.css
* visual design that we'd like:
  - date right aligned
  - no leading space between heading, date, paragraph (like it is now)

2. options for no space between bottom of paragraph and top of lists
* e.g., in http://www.w3.org/WAI/ut3/highlights/all.html at the bottom, there is a paragraph that ends "which explain:" and the list starts: "how tools should help Web developers produce accessible Web content"
* by default there is a full line break
* what are options for not have that leading space? pros? cons? cross-browser issues?

Also have a few more if you're up for it. :-)

~ Shawn

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2005 14:01:17 UTC