- From: Wayne Dick <wed@csulb.edu>
- Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:10:03 -0800
- To: Justin Thorp <justin@mycapitalweb.com>
- CC: public-wai-eo-site@w3.org
To the Website Team, I really appreciate the work Justin and the rest of you have on the enlargement of text, but I'm not sure it is the right approach. To me adding large print buttons is like providing a text only option. It leads to the comfortable assumption that a developer is done with a given population. This worries me because developers will look to the WAI as a model to emulate. This may give developers the false impression that they need to build local assistive technologies into their pages. Few web developers have the skills or time to do that well. So they may be tempted to skip accessibility. We need to communicate that the way to achieve accessibility is to follow the guidelines -accessibility and technical. Web developers just need to facilitate assistive technology by producing good web content. I think that is the example we need to project. Don't worry. Lazy users with low vision won't find our site. You have to enlarge Google first. You all are doing great work on this site. It is nice to look at; the navigation is getting better and better. It behaves much better than other sites even when I apply my magic enlargement potions. Keep it up. Wayne
Received on Monday, 21 February 2005 20:15:40 UTC