RE: font size toggle issues


Two examples to consider:

1. the Guardianship Tribunal in NSW ( provides a toggle
that allows you keep going up in size (or down)

2. Monash University ( provides a separate page where you
can choose the size (options match IE options) as well as providing simple
instructions that you can use on their page or other pages.

Seems like this second option is the best if we do decide to provide this -
quick option for the lazy, education for the interested.

Dr Andrew Arch
Accessible Information Solutions, NILS
Ph +613 9864 9282; Fax +613 9864 9370

National Information and Library Service
A subsidiary of RBS.RVIB.VAF Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Shawn Henry
Sent: Saturday, 19 February 2005 2:17 PM
To: Justin Thorp
Subject: Re: font size toggle issues


Thanks for initial comments! Also interested in any implementation issues
(e.g., solution requires cookies) as well as critiques (e.g., on mailing

Also, I'm thinking we might want a combination of options, e.g., in that top
bar a 3 size font toggle and keep the link that goes to a page that teachs
how to change in your own browser, as well as possibly different style
sheets to pick from.

Hope you have a great weekend!

~ Shawn

Justin Thorp wrote:
> We had talked about the possibility of having a font size toggle on the
> WAI web site.  Does having a font toggle set a precedent that you need
> to have one in order to make your site accessible?
> I have seen font size toggles done different ways.
>'s approach is definitely one of them.
> ( only gives the user three options
> for font sizes.  What if a user wants to have their font bigger or
> smaller then the three options that it has to offer?
> Another approach is to give a set of different style sheets that the
> user can switch from.  You could probably setup different style sheets
> that would taylor to different disabilities.  I would think that
> disabilities are so unique and because people could have multiple
> disabilities, that it would be hard to nail down a certain set of
> styles.  Here are some examples:
> I would suggest having a control where you can make the font size bigger
> or smaller.  Another idea would be to have a pull down menu with ten or
> fifteen sizes in it.  I would think we want to give the user the widest
> amount of possibilities because needs different so greatly.
> I am going to see if I can put together an example over the weekend.
> Sincerely,
> Justin Thorp
> --
> Justin Thorp
> Principal; Web Developer & Accessibility Specialist
> 3016 S. Deerfield
> Lansing, MI 48911
> my blog -

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2005 08:13:18 UTC