- From: <michaeka@wellsfargo.com>
- Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 14:52:30 -0800
- To: public-wai-eo-site@w3.org
- Message-ID: <B3AC8CFBCBD79241B6560969BDD17F770EA149@msgswbiadsm18.wellsfargo.com>
Hello, WSTF - Attached is a gif of the WAI home redesign. I designed according to the goals of open, airy, light, and "decent" (i.e., due to time constraints get a workable rather than high-end design done). I copied the content from Shawn's latest version of the WAI home page, except for I eliminated the Document Information header. I don't think anything outside of the main content of the page should have a header. The footer is parenthetical info. Of course, this is open to discussion. The masthead needs work. It's a bit too busy. The bridge needs to be cleaned up and made simpler. The tagline needs to stand out more, and of course, we need a logo. The entire page design is done with CSS, except for the masthead and tweaking the left nav in Photoshop. Please send feedback. Many thanks. Blossom ____________________ Blossom Michaeloff Web Research and Design Wells Fargo 415.222.3045 michaeka@wellsfargo.com
- image/gif attachment: wai_home_redesign_v1.gif
Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 22:53:11 UTC