wai home page design - draft 1

Hello, WSTF -

Attached is a gif of the WAI home redesign.

I designed according to the goals of open, airy, light, and "decent" (i.e.,
due to time constraints get a workable rather than high-end design done). 
I copied the content from Shawn's latest version of the WAI home page,
except for I eliminated the Document Information header. I don't think
anything outside of the main content of the page should have a header. The
footer is parenthetical info. Of course, this is open to discussion.

The masthead needs work. It's a bit too busy. The bridge needs to be cleaned
up and made simpler. The tagline needs to stand out more, and of course, we
need a logo.

The entire page design is done with CSS, except for the masthead and
tweaking the left nav in Photoshop.

Please send feedback. Many thanks.

Blossom Michaeloff
Web Research and Design
Wells Fargo

Received on Friday, 12 November 2004 22:53:11 UTC