Re: Task-User Analysis Update

MessageDear all,

Here's the list of changes to the Task-User Analysis - newest version at:

Two users have been added that weren't on the last version:
22: National or international standards developer
31. Web accessibility specialist (consultant, evaluator, trainer)

Other changes:
1. Numbers were combined into the Tasks
2. User Group number added to the column 
3. Typo fixed on the first task (accessibility). 
4. Task # 41 Changed Wording
5. Added Task on the matrix missing from the top list "I am a software developer developing a Web-based front-end - what do I need to know to make my application accessible?". 
6. One of the tasks on the matrix was mixed in order (#8) and I moved it so that it is in the same position as the Task list above. 
7.  Changed some of the previously ranked items:
  #9 My boss told me (content developer) to make our Web site accessible and I need to know where to start. 
#28 I have been asked how much time and money it would take to make your Web site accessible. I'm looking for this info on the WAI site.
8. 26. Reporter, journalist - changed from just reporter
9. 28. Researcher, or student doing paper on accessibility - changed from student doing paper on Web accessibility

I believe that's it - please contact me if you see further changes that should be made.


Carol J. Smith
Kognitive Consulting, Inc.
Cell: 773-218-6568
Home: 773-262-5348

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 23:03:27 UTC