RE: W3C Technologies - draft intro - update

Thanks, Andrew, for sending this out. Very helpful to have something to
look at!

Here are some suggestions for your consideration:

1. fix the <title> (still says uaag :)

2. consider taking out "Audience" as I think it doesn't really provide
pertinent information for this page ?

3. what do you think about using a general format for each section of:
    1. a short paragraph explaining what [CSS, SMIL, SVG, HTML] is
    2. a short paragraph (or bullet points?) summarizing or highlighting
the content of the document

the currect version already has much of this information - just
wondering if it would be helpful to seprate it out more clearly and

4. consider changing "About W3C Technologies" to "Accessibility of W3C

5. hide "skip links, jump to content" and "navigation path: W3C Home >
WAI Home > About WAI > @@@@?" (so as to avoid reviewers being distracted
by those elements)

6. to be consistent with the others [1] - IF you think it is helpful,
consider adding at the end something like:
"Note format
The Notes in this document follow the W3C format for Notes. W3C Notes
include at the beginning: version links, editors, copyright, abstract,
status, and table of contents."
"Who develops these Notes
WAI Notes are developed by _working groups_ in the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The W3C Note
development process includes formal periods for public review.
Opportunities for review of WAI documents are announced on the WAI home
page and WAI Interest Group mailing list. Other opportunities for
contributing are listed in Participating in WAI.
[1] see "Format for Intro pages" in and -- which are updated
from the WSTF teleconference

7. "Related Documents Do we need to bring in some cross referencing to
the Guidelines and Techniques documents? Maybe this material could go in
a side bar."

I hope with the site-wide navigation that will be unnecessary. What do
you think about:
- removing this section
- adding near the top something like: "WAI developed a series of
accessibility guidelines, which are listed in _Guidelines and
Techniques_ page. _Components of Web Accessibility_ explains the
relationship between the different guidelines."
- adding under the CSS section a link to CSS Techniques for WCAG 1.0 and
under the HTML section a link to HTML Techniques

8. "References [1] W3C in Seven Points"

I'm pretty sure we can use wording from other documents without
referencingthem - so it might be simplier to remove this?

9. "Editor: WSTF. Last updated $Date: 2004/07/14 $ by $Author: andrewa

Editor is you! last updated date & name are automatically generated by
the system when the page is uploaded or changed online


Go ahead and send it to the EOWG list as soon as you are ready - with a
reference to:

~ Shawn

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 23:53:40 UTC