comments and my actino item blurb -- FW: WSTF - July 12 Change Log

Thanks, all.
A few comments and my action item:
1. "Change "Slide show (24 HTML pages)" to "Beginning of Slideshow"":
and link it to
2. bullets in first section:
should they be just taken verbatium from , which EOWG already
3. draft rewrite combining Referencing and Using the Slide Set for
Presentations & The Slide Making Tool:
<h2>Using the Slide Show for Presentations</h2>
W3C grants permission to use the "Overview of the Web Accessbility
Initiative (WAI)" slide show in presentations according to the
_copyright_ and _document_ use policies of W3C.
Reference the slide show as follows:
Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative, J. Brewer, et al., ed.,
World Wide Web Consortium (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), June 2004.
The following tools are available to create a local copy of the slide
 * _W3C Slidemaker Tool_
 * _the all.htm file_ used by Slidemaker

Received on Monday, 12 July 2004 21:43:38 UTC