RE: WCAG Intro for: WSTF Agenda for 12 July 2004

> This is looking very good.  I like having the links to the 
> documents towards the top of the pile so that frequent 
> visitors wouldn't have to sift through a lot.

right - I think might end up in two columns or some such so that
frequent visitors don't have to sift and new people get the intro before
being totally overwhelmed by links they don't understand.
> I still have concerns about people not understanding the 
> difference between 1.0 and 2.0.

ah, then we should look at how to improve the wording here -- that
should be very clear on this page, I think!

>   Also, I think more content 
> is needed describing the difference between, checkpoints, 
> checklists, techniques, guidelines, etc.

I think we will want a separate page for "Using WCAG 1.0" or some such.
(These will all be different in WCAG 2.0 so we'll need  a separate page
for that.) I will add that to the list of pages and links here if all

> Can we use the WCAG acronym more on this page?  A lot of the 
> documents' names are incredibly long.

good question - wonder about using acronym in the "official title" of a
doc - e.g., "Core Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

I think Charmane & Blossom will both have good perspectives on that --
let's talk about that at WSTF tonight. (Sorry we'll miss you, Carol.
Thanks for the comments to the list!)

~ Shawn

Received on Monday, 12 July 2004 17:33:18 UTC