input from visual designers


Apparently we are not clear within the group what we intend to do with
these initial visual design ideas - so here is an attempt to clarify.

We are only asking for ideas at this point. A primary purpose for
getting visual design input now is to help as we finalize content and
plan for development. We are no where near committing to a design.

Early and throughout the process of defining, prototyping, and
evaluating designs, we will be ensuring that the design is fully
accessible, etc., as is stated in the vision [1] and listed in the
visual design requirements [2].

We are not turning over design to anyone else. All decisions will be
made in WSTF and through appropriate channels, including EOWG and WAI

I re-read the email to visual design volunteers and, along with prior
communications, think it is clear that we are only accepting ideas (and
agreeing to list their names as visual design contributors), and are
making no statement or suggestion of adopting exactly what they submit.

Feel free to contact me directly if you have additional questions or


~ Shawn

[1] "implements best practices: an inspiring model for graphic
design/visual appeal, accessibility, usability, technology"

- design must meet WCAG 1.0 (including meeting other W3C specifications,
such as XHTML and CSS), with the possible exception of: 
-- checkpoints with "until user agent" clauses that have been met (@@
matt getting list)
-- note: if the draft design does not meet a checkpoint, it must be
- design must be able to meet WCAG 2.0 when it is finalized
- particular accessibility issues to pay attention to: 
-- resize-able, including scalable fonts and "fluid" design that
stretches (e.g., looks good in various size browsers, mobile device
-- sufficient color contrast
-- text as text (not in bitmap images)
- OK to have font a little smaller than default; however, not too small

Received on Friday, 2 July 2004 15:26:28 UTC