Fwd: [date corrected] review revised format on working group home pages

_X_ APPROVE as is


>Envelope-to: corcora1@msu.edu
>X-Original-To: public-wai-eo-site@listhub.w3.org
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>From: "Shawn Lawton Henry" <shawn@w3.org>
>To: <public-wai-eo-site@w3.org>
>Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 12:58:47 -0500
>X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
>Importance: High
>Subject: [date corrected] review revised format on working group home pages
>X-Archived-At: http://www.w3.org/mid/000101c42180$f84c0a80$418d7544@SLHenry
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>Resent-Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:58:51 -0400 (EDT)
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>WSTF & WAI Team,
>Please reply to this message as soon as possible, preferably by end of
>day Tuesday 13 April.
>Since the WSTF's last discussion on WAI working group home pages, the
>WAI Team (that is, W3C staff Judy, Wendy, Matt, and Shadi) agreed to
>re-organize their working group home pages to a consistent format
>(headings and in-page links) by the end of this week (still using that
>same old style for now).
>I reviewed the content on all of the current working group home pages,
>reviewed our agreed-upon audience write-up (linked below), and walked
>through some tasks. Based on this further analysis, I recommend some
>small changes to what we previously discussed, primarily:
>	- making the subtopics under About [working group name] <h2>s
>	- adding an optional last category "Additional Information"
>I updated the draft with these recommendations at:
>	www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/UCD/design-sum#wg
>and implemented them in the EOWG home page (with old style) at:
>	www.w3.org/WAI/EO/
>and a UAWG ROUGH DRAFT (with essentially no style) at:
>	www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/sketchpad/uaag-wg-css1.html
>- please ignore the layout for now, just look at the center column.
>Please review the format (headings) at
>www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/UCD/design-sum#wg and reply to this list (not
>shawn@w3.org): __ APPROVE as is __ APPROVE, recommend the following for
>consideration: __ NOT APPROVE, because of the following objection):
>If you have any questions, feel free to call me directly.
>Thanks for your prompt reply.
>~ Shawn


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Charmane K. Corcoran
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Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 17:55:25 UTC