meeting change possibilities


Please reply as soon as possible to me directly (no need to reply to

Two questions:

1. Can you attend the meeting this coming week, Monday 12 April, at the
regular time, 6:00pm-8:00pm US Eastern?

2. What is your availability for a changed meeting time in the near

Proposed new time is 1.5 hours earlier (I think I have all the time
zones correct): 
	20:30 - 22:30 UTC
	1:30p - 3:30p US Pacific
	3:30p - 5:30p US Central
	4:30p - 6:30p US Eastern
	6:30a - 8:30a Melbourne
	9:30p -11:30p London

If the meeting was held at the above time on the dates below, please
indicate if you could attend the meeting "ALMOST ALWAYS", "MOST OF THE
TIME", "SOMETIMES", or "ALMOST NEVER" and feel free to add additional
comments (e.g., "best day for me" "SOMETIMES, except the second Tue of
every month")

Monday: ___
Tuesday: ___
Wednesday: ___
Thursday: ___
Friday: ___

Thanks for prompt reply.


~ Shawn

Received on Thursday, 8 April 2004 10:01:39 UTC