WSTF action items updated 15 Dec 2003

User List and Personas
- [DONE] shawn: re-send charmane notes on personas
- [DONE] shawn: post carol's new persona image
- shawn: add to User List authoring tool developers, user agent
developers, evaluation tool developers, accessibility consultants. plus
others from EOWG
- [might not need to] carol: to change Barb's first name to Spanish Web
- [jon DONE, shawn to add to personas page] jon: to create persona for
accessibility type person
- all: think of someone to do persona from legislator, government policy
maker (or assistant to)

Task List
- jon, michael, andrew, carol: review task list
- shawn: add sailesh's

Information Architecture, Card Sort
- michael, carol, charmane, jon, justin: conduct card sorting. send data
to michael. send profile to list
- [DONE] shawn: start a table that shows characteristics of card sorting

Visual Design
- shawn: start drafting home page content
- michael: ask design firms if they want to volunteer
- blossom: "on deck" to work on visual design
- shawn: send I18N redesign idea

Interim Revisions & advanced work on redesign
- matt: make request to join online forms
- matt: research ways to have header navigation (e.g., server side
includes, etc.)
- shawn: find out about issues related to WAI-specific search

- [DONE] carol and justin: put together 1 page docs on UCD


Received on Monday, 15 December 2003 17:42:31 UTC