Here are my modificatins.

Henk, Shawan and the Lex Club,

Hi, I took some liberties, so check the originals. 

1) In "graceful transformation"-- I took out "transform" as circular.  
Also I added "to accomodate a user's need" after change. 

2) Real Time changed completely, as requested by EO

3) Web Accessibility mentiona "the  Web is designed..." .  I replaced 
that with,  a Web interface is designed..."

Otherwise we and I followed all the change log prescriptions.   I hope 
this works.

No other changes were requested.  Thank you Helle and Carol.  One nice 
thing about a small meeting is that there is less disagreement.  We 
finished in less than 45 minutes.


Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2005 03:15:40 UTC