Re: Lexicon: progress / tasks for this week / next teleconference

At 03:40 AM 12/14/2004, Henk Snetselaar wrote:
>Dear Lexicon task force,
>Attached you will find a new version of the Lexicon Overview, version 6.
>There are 12 worksheets in that document (see the tabs at the bottom)
>In the 'ATAG' worksheet you will find the entry selections, words from the 
>ATAG that are candidates for the Lexicon.
>In the 'Description' worksheet you will find a collection of descriptions 
>of a part of the candidate Lexicon entries. Starting at row 14 you will 
>find the descriptions of the entries taken from ATAG20.
>The description of each entry with the yellow background and starting with 
>a double asterisk is the preferred one, bolded words are changes that we 
>made. The first three descriptions we already agreed on, the rest is just 
>my preference.
>Please read/consider/give comments etc. in the coming days.
>According to schedule entries P-Z are due 27 December
>Also the next teleconference is scheduled for 27 December
>Question: who will be available for the teleconference of 27 December?? 
>(the availablility of the task force member who joined the call yesterday 
>is known)

I'd rather skip this meeting -- as I have much family here, leaving the 
next day.


Received on Thursday, 16 December 2004 06:02:57 UTC