- From: Henk Snetselaar <H.Snetselaar@bartimeus.nl>
- Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 13:44:47 +0100
- To: <public-wai-eo-lexicon@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <s19a046e.004@zst02.bartimeus.nl>
Dear lexicon task force colleagues, As promised in the teleconference here an overview of the number of words starting with the same letter and a work schedule for the coming months. Elections, Elections!! No, not for a new president of the US, although some of you would wish that it was still possible. Now it is about the entries and best descriptions of the entries on behalf of our Beginners Lexicon. Attached you will also find the Lexicon description overview again, but now with the contribution of Libby (She already sent earlier, sorry!). With great interest I read the alternative descriptions of Carol and Libby besides the existing descriptions in the WAI glossary and my own trials. As members of Education and Outreach we should be able to come up with the best ever. As we discussed in the teleconference we should only divert from the existing description if these does not meet our criterion on clear and plain language! May I ask everyone to read the descriptions, write your own if you think it's appropriate or react on what is already done? The WAI glossary consists of 456 entries in total. To compose a Lexicon that consists of 40 - 50 entries means 10 percent of all entries. My suggestion is to take that as an average percentage and that we focus on the content of the lexicon that we regard as useful for our target group. A: 59 (DONE) B: 11 C: 60 D: 33 E: 22 F: 11 G: 11 (B-G: 148 Entries) deadline: 28 November 2004 H: 8 I: 28 J: 0 K: 3 L: 9 M: 26 N: 10 O: 8 P: 33 (H-P: 125 Entries) deadline: 12 December 2004 Q: 1 R: 22 S: 34 T: 31 U: 16 V: 12 W: 7 X: 1 Y: 0 Z: 0 (Q-Z: 124 Entries) deadline: 26 December 2004 Summary: Let's try to follow next schedule: (B-G: 148 Entries) deadline: 28 November 2004 (H-P: 125 Entries) deadline: 12 December 2004 (Q-Z: 124 Entries) deadline: 26 December 2004 First send your proposed entries to the list and I will analyze, summarize and report. At the bottom of this mail you will find links to several relevant documents After that we will discuss the descriptions. The next teleconference is Monday 29 November 20.30 - 21.30 UTC US East coast = 15.30-16.30 US West coast = 12.30-13.30 Central Europe = 21.30-22.30 Melbourne = 07.30-08.30 ++++++++++++++++++++++ Lexicon addresses information: - Lexicon e-mail list: public-wai-eo-lexicon@w3.org - WAI (Printable) Glossary: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/Glossary/printable.html - First draft of a Lexicon overview: http://www.w3.org/WAI/lexicon/Overview.html - Lexicon requirements document: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-lexicon - Lexicon Task Force Work Statement: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2004/lexicon.html - Lexicon list archives: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-lexicon - Translation priorities: http://www.w3.org/WAI/translation.html ++++++++++++++++++++++ Regards, Henk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ H. Snetselaar Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted & Foundation Bartiméus Accessibility Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD Zeist, the Netherlands Tel: +31-(0)30-6982211 or +31(0)30-6982350 Fax: +31-(0)30-6982388 E-mail: H.Snetselaar@bartimeus.nl Website: www.bartimeus.nl and www.accessibility.nl Zie voor disclaimer (Read our disclaimer): www.accessibility.nl/disclaimer.html ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- application/msword attachment: LexDescriptions4.doc
Received on Tuesday, 16 November 2004 12:48:25 UTC