Re: worsened demo updates

Hi Maik,

These are looking good, thank you for doing the work. We discussed these 
in your absence during the previous teleconference. This is a summary of 
the most significant findings:
  - line hight is unrealistically small
  - hover effect on left navigation should span the entire item (the 
click-able area should however remain as-is)
  - new styling breaks on several browsers and configurations
  - left padding and text alignment of left navigation is incorrect

More details is in the minutes of the previous call. Feel free to ask if 
you have further questions.


Maik Wagner - mcwiwa consulting wrote:
> Dear taskforce,
> I improved the before-Pages as agreed.
> Things that have changed:
> - Menu background changes colour by javascript on Mousover
> - Serif-Font thoughout the whole site
> - Font-size and linespacing adjusted to look as similar as possible to
>   the after pages
> Something forgotten?
> Have a look:
> Regards
> /Maik
> --
> Maik Wagner
> mcwiwa consulting
> Wolfsbankstr. 52
> 45355 Essen  
> Fon: +49/0201/75 00 1230
> Fax: +49/0201/75 00 1229

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 17:13:10 UTC