Re: Betr.: [Minutes] Demo evalutaiton report

Hi, Shadi, Wilco, and all --

As always, a great-looking job! My comments follow 

On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 10:10:00 +0200
  Shadi Abou-Zahra <> wrote:
> Hi Wilco,
> Conceptually this is looking very good, I only have some 
>minor suggestions or rather questions:
> #1. Colors - I don't completely understand the 
>color-coding, it may be good to have a legend in this 
>internal version for discussion. My guess is that we may 
>try to reduce the use of colors in the final version to 
>make it less complex to understand.

I think I understood the coding, and we don't have an
issue with 1.4.1 since the information is provided in
another way (text). Yes, a legend could be helpful; see
also #3 below.
> #2. Labels (aka Term) - would it be better to merge the 
>number with the actual label into one table cell, like 
>"1. Perceivable" rather than to have "1. | Perceivable"? 
>Also, I personally dislike centered text but that is only 
>a preference.

I didn't have a problem with the separate columns, since
the second one is the th, which does the centering as a
side effect. This would be a problem with 1.4.8 except 
it's not a block of text and requirement 3 strangely 
prohibit centering even for blocks of text. So, again
personal preference, I find tables much easier to read
with th, td {text-align: left; vertical-align: top} 

BTW, I'm not sure of "Term" as the column heading for 
but I haven't thought of anything else yet. I'll work on
it. And one typo: leave it to this goofy English language
to spell the 1st principle "precEIvable" instead of the
way it sounds.
> #3. Result - what does "Level A" or "Level AA" etc mean? 
>Does it mean "passed Level A" or "failed Level A"? This 
>may relate to point #1 on colors - we need to think about 
>how many categories we are using and whether these can be 
>reduced (maybe only "Passed", "Failed", "NA"?).

I assumed that the shades of green/cyan mean "Passed A",
"Passed AA", and Passed AAA" respectively (all of which
should be a "pass" even if it doesn't meet AA or AAA).
I also assumed that pink was for anything that failed
even Level A. Yes, I think it could be clearer in the
text. And we do need to have a way of indicating "NA".


Received on Friday, 17 July 2009 04:06:27 UTC