Use dark text on light background

Dear group,

In response to my action items [1], I looked for WCAG 2.0 Techniques 
that match the following user requirements identified by the WAI-AGE 
Literature Review:
  - Use dark text on light background
  - Ensure links change colour after visit

For the first user requirement I found the following Advisory Techniques 
that are *being planned* (they are currently listed as "future links"):

## Under SC 1.4.3 and SC 1.4.6
- Using colors that are composed predominantly of mid spectral 
components for the light and spectral extremes (blue and red 
wavelengths) for the dark
- Using a light pastel background rather than a white background behind 
black text to create sufficient but not extreme contrast

I did not find relevant Techniques for the second requirement.

Question for the group:
- Should we implement the requirement "Use dark text on light 
background" on the Demo?
- If yes, then where? Some suggestions include the "Terms and 
Conditions" or the "Buy tickets ..." areas on the tickets page.

[1] <>

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 09:04:53 UTC