Summary of EOWG and WAI-AGE TF discussion of the Demo


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Please find the minutes from the EOWG discussion on 23 January 2009 and 
WAI-AGE TF discussion on 28 January 2009, where we discussed the Demo. 
Below is a summary of some of the main comments. However, I recommend 
skimming these minutes to get an idea of some of the background.

## Top Navigation Bar
- bug in navigation when enlarging in some browsers
- use a different title in the navigation
- next example buttons: consider listing all 4 pages
- consider being able to hide (toggle) the navigation

## Tabs
- meaning of the icons on the tabs are unclear
- selected grouping of the tabs is unclear
- big gray surrounding makes demo pages look like screen-shots

## In-Between Pages
- include a legend for all the annotation icons
- consider making the icons larger or more apparent
- consider pop-up boxes rather than jumping up and down


Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 12:52:08 UTC