BAD TF on Wednesday 5 August 2009? (Re: Report table help)


There are the following agenda items for a meeting this week:
  - agenda item #1: report table (see request from Wilco below)
  - agenda item #2: review comments (I will try to compile them)

Please confirm your availability for a teleconference call this 
*Wednesday 5 August 2009* at 17h CET.


Wilco Fiers wrote:
> Hello everyone
> Over the past week or 2 I've been trying to improve upon the design /
> structure of the report table. However in trying to come up with
> solutions I've not been able to improve of the design. By solving one
> design problem I seem to be causing several new ones.
> Would it be possible to have this discussed in the call? Because
> currently I'm not getting anywhere.
> Wilco

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Monday, 3 August 2009 13:01:40 UTC