Re: [canceled] BAD TF teleconference on 7 April 2009

Hi everyone,
3 questions about the survey page, please tell me as soon as you can if you agree or not.

1) Considering that accesskeys are no longer required for conformance to WCAG 2.0. Maybe we should remove them?

For example:

<ul class="skip">
<li><a href="#startcontent" accesskey="0">Start of demonstration (ALT-0)</a></li>
<li><a href="#footer" accesskey="9">Demonstration copyright notice (ALT-9)</a></li>

2)  There are some hybrid implicit/explicit labeling, like in the following example:

<p class="input"><label for="liv_city"><input title="I live in the city" type="radio" name="living" id="liv_city" value="liv_city" tabindex="100"> In the city</label></p>

I think is better to use only explicit labeling to avoid confusion:

<p class="input"><input title="I live in the city" type="radio" name="living" id="liv_city" value="liv_city" tabindex="100"> <label for="liv_city">In the city</label></p>

3) Moreover, using both the title attribute and the label element is useless, so:

<p class="input"><input type="radio" name="living" id="liv_city" value="liv_city" tabindex="100"> <label for="liv_city">In the city</label></p>

However, please let me know if there was a reason for you to use hybrid labeling and title redundance in the first version of the survey page.

Have a nice day,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 3:36:32 PM, you wrote:

> Dear BAD TF,

> As per our recent discussion on the mailing list, we will not hold a 
> meeting today. However, there is a time schedule and action items for 
> each person to work on. Please assign time accordingly so that we can 
> complete this project as soon as possible.

> Next teleconference call:
>   - *Wednesday 22 April, 2009*

> Regards,
>    Shadi

Best regards,
Marco Bertoni
International Webmasters Association / The HTML Writers Guild

Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2009 13:22:31 UTC