Headers and Templates merged


I’ve got a small new year’s present for you. Headers and Templates are  
now merged, see [1]. As always there is a ZIP archive available for  
further investigation [2].

Please have a look into it until January 3rd and send feedback so we  
can move on and get a final version ready until the next teleconference.

I wish all of you a happy and accessible new year,

[1] http://ericeggert.net/badtf/index/
[1] http://ericeggert.net/badtf/Archive.zip

Eric Eggert
Waldfischbacher Straße 20, 66978 Leimen/Pfalz, Deutschland
Laudongasse 36/714, 1080 Wien, Österreich

http://yatil.de/ | http://snookerblog.de/ | Proud Kraut: http://webkrauts.de

Received on Wednesday, 31 December 2008 10:08:12 UTC