Re: BAD Meeting on Thursday 4 May, 2006 at 10am CET

Hi Liam,

Thanks a lot for your input! I plan to implement these this week.


Liam McGee wrote:
> Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
>> Can you propose other alternatives and give any initial reactions to 
>> the issues so far:
>>  <>
> 1. improve skip-links
>  - there should be mechanisms to skip over the "warning" bar at the top 
> of the page
> Hmmm... maybe. That contradicts the next point, rather.
>  - the "warning" bar should be more apparent as such to screen reader users
>  - do we *need* "Screenreader Tips and other Accessibility Features"?
> Add it to the 'phase 2' list of things to do. I can provide this content 
> quite easily.
> 2. quick-links menu
>  - should the current page be inactive or not available at all from the 
> menu?
> I think it should be available. Give it a title attribute of 'current 
> page' if we think it's necessary.
> 3. links to articles
>  - should we use fragments to jump into the page content (i.e. specific 
> articles)?
> Don't see why not. It's a normal thing to do on the web.
> 4. headings structure
>  - need to have headings for the menu and the right navigation bar. 
> visible or not?
> Yes. Positioned offscreen to the left.
>  - do we need an (invisible) first-level heading for each page?
> Yes. Positioned offscreen to the left.
> 5. check tables
>  - all tables (articles and events pages) seem fine to me, please 
> confirm this.
> Concert dates table summary - typos: 'frank zappa and theolonius Mank' 
> should read 'Frank Zappa and Thelonius Mank'.
> If we are changing the name of Thelonius Monk to Thelonius Mank suggest 
> changing Frank Zappa to Frank Zapper for consistency.
> Ticket prices -
> A lonely  sits in a th.
> The headings in the ticket prices table (Front Seats Rear seats) etc run 
> in to one another visually and need separating. Either pad or use an 
> every-other-column colour variation or #ddd for headers and #eee for 
> data cells.
> Numeric ticket prices should be aligned right in both accessible and 
> inaccessible versions.
> --OTHER--
> The inaccessible version of the news page and the accessible versionb of 
> the news page need to look more similar. Level 3 headings seem to have 
> lost their formatting.
> Radio button labels. Title solution not great -- requires a high 
> verbosity setting to be heard and if you are hearing it it is 
> repetitious ("I live in the city In the city"). Strongly suggest change 
> from...
> <label for="liv_city"><input title="I live in the city" type="radio" 
> name="living" id="liv_city" value="liv_city" tabindex="100"> In the 
> city</label>
> to...
> <label for="liv_city"><input type="radio" name="living" id="liv_city" 
> value="liv_city" tabindex="100"><span class="screenreader">I live</span> 
> In the city</label>
> With...
> .screenreader {position: absolute; left: -2000px}
> also suggest...
> input, select {vertical-align: middle}
> for nicer layout.
> And so on throughout the form. For good usability, many screenreader 
> users need all the information they need in the labels.
> 'Forms of transportation' would be better as 'forms of transport'.
> (*) (this a required field) -- at the very least, the asterisk is 
> redundant here. I would lose it and lose the 'All fields in red(*) bit 
> at the top too, to replace with:
> (required)
> As field is too jargonny, or even
> (you must fill this in to submit this questionnaire)
> 2.Habits (all questions)
> These are very badly laid out for JAWS users in my opinion -- they 
> *have* to come out of forms mode to make sense of this as instructions 
> aren't even in the fieldset. It's also asking you to rank *six* forms of 
> transportation from *one to five*, and to do so anti-intuitively (1 is 
> usually best, not worst), which is hard work for any user.
> Suggest
> Which forms of transport do you prefer most?
> <span class="screenreader">I like </span>cars:
> The best
> A lot
> A little
> Not much
> The worst
> And so on.
> 2. Habits; Why do you prefer a car over other...
> This shouldn't be a required field, and should change to
> 'If you prefer a car over another form of transport, why?'
>  and label as follows:
> <span class="screenreader">I prefer cars because of the </span>Cost of 
> transportation
> <span class="screenreader">I prefer cars because of better 
> </span>Personal comfort
> Not sure I understand 'save travel freedom' :(
> <span class="screenreader">I prefer cars because they give me 
> </span>More freedom
> <span class="screenreader">I prefer cars because I </span>Feel safer in 
> a car
> <span class="screenreader">I prefer cars for some </span>Other reason:
> How long do you spend per month using each
> of the following forms of transport?
> <span class="screenreader">Hours per month in the </span>Car
> <span class="screenreader">Hours per month in the </span>Bus
> <span class="screenreader">Hours per month in the </span>Metro
> 3. Traffic perception
> Do you believe that car traffic is too heavy?
> Yes, car traffic is no heavy
> No, car traffic is not too heavy
> Change...
> How affected are you be pollution
> due to traffic?
> To...
> How do you feel about pollution?
> *I have never* noticed any pollution
> I like the smell of gasoline
> "c'est la vie"
> Something needs to be done
> Cars should be banned
> <label for="comments">Type here any further comment</label>
> should be in a <p> tag.
> L.

Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe | 
Chair & Staff Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG | 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  | 
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), | 
WAI-TIES Project,       | 
Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, | 
2004, Route des Lucioles - 06560,  Sophia-Antipolis - France | 
Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64          Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22 | 

Received on Thursday, 11 May 2006 14:41:25 UTC