Re: [Fwd: Testing BAD "after" site]

Hello Shadi,
i am happy that this review can be helpful for you. Here is my reponse to your questions. 
A 15:22 12/04/2006, Shadi Abou-Zahra a écrit :
>>In general:
>>2. Selecting another page through the "quick menu" does not seem to work. When you select "facts" in the "quick menu" and click "go", an error page is displayed.
>Yes, this is still unfinished, we will fix it.
>>The quick menu is also not always the same. On the Home page, you have the choice between the 4 pages. The choice for home has additional information telling the user that Home is the current page. This informatin is not available on the quick menu of the other pages. In the quick menu of the page "news" the menu item "news" has disappeared from the quick menu.
>Do you have an opinion which method you favor? (Having all pages in the select field and the one you are currently on marked as such, or rather only the pages you can actually get to)

The easiest to understand would be to have only the  pages in the menu that you can select and have the page where you are removed. 

>>* Home Page: <>
>>In the links to the diferent news: while looking at the code source, I noticed that all of them point to the "info" page. It could be easier to let them point to the beginning of the news, or to the detail of the news. So the user could directly access the story he wants to read.
>Not sure about this one. Ideally we would have different pages for every article but that would make the Web site larger than we agreed on. On the other hand, if we jump into the middle of the page it could confuse some users. This is an issue which we will need to rediscuss.
>But it may also confuse other users to click on different news and to read the same page for each news. It may be difficult for them to find news 1, 2 or 3. 

>>* News Article: <>
>>A heading informing that you are on the news page could be helpful. Which mechanisms have been implemented to help the user find out where he is?
>We discussed this in the task force and the conclusion was the title of the document as well as the heading structure give you the context. Why is that not sufficient in your opinion?

In opposition to the three other pages, there is no heading <h1<News</h1>. You know that you are on the news page only by reading the window title. 

>>In the datatable summarising the answers to the question on favourite organs a "summary" seems to be missing.
>A caption is provided, and the table is pretty simple. What issues are you encountering?
>I'm not found of tables, that is why it is difficult for me to understand tables, but you're right, it is rather simple. 

>>* Events Page: <>
>>The second data table is not easy to understand. There should be a description of the way columns and rows interact with each other.
>ID, scope, and header attributes have been assigned to all table cells. Do you mean a textual description of the table structure for example in the summary? Isn't this information already provided by the screen reader?

May be the screen reader does not tell every thing. Maybe we could discuss this again. But I think that a description of what is in the rows and column whould be helpful. 

>>* Survey Form: <>
>>It's a good idea to number the categories: general information, habits, traffic perception,....
>>It could also be useful to give each question a number: "where do you live?", "how many cars?".
>>I'm not sure that the mention (this a required field" should be written each time, as the designer writes, at the beginning of the form, that fields with a * are required fields. It makes the reading of the form with a screen reader much longer.
>>Otherwise, I have no remarks on the form.
>How about the way in which form and non-form elements are mixed? Do you need to jump back and forth into forms mode? If a novice screen reader user reads the page, do you anticipate any potential problems?
>I don't think so. 

>>Other general remark: the pages are full with information. To make them more accessible, there should be less information on the page.
>I'm not sure what the exact accessibility issue is. Maybe this will get better when we rework the document headers which would make the pages structurally easier.



Received on Thursday, 13 April 2006 11:15:20 UTC