Findings for teleconference on Tuesday 20 December, 2005

Hi Shadi, hi all.
Here are my findings.
I know, my form-before page is not "in format" with the other pages.
I would prefer to change the page when we'll have the definitive  
"before" format page, because is very hard and difficult to implement  
a new format in progress with my hypernested tabled form ;-)

Shadi, please, put in directory also the transparent image gif.gif,  
because it's necessary for the form table layout. Thanks ;-)

see you tomorrow for telecom,


~ pasquale

Il giorno 14/dic/05, alle ore 16:09, Shadi Abou-Zahra ha scritto:

> Dear Group,
> The questions are:
>  1. Are all accessibility barriers listed in the features [1]  
> implemented?

Home Page
maybe, the only feature missed is:
- headings are encoded as text images

News Page
maybe, the features missed are:
- images within links, with ALT attributes describing the images  
(rather than the link)
- links with inapproriate link texts (for example "click here",  
"more", etc)
- simple data table with the following errors: end tag of TABLE  
element missing (results in table content not being rendered in  
Netscape 4.7)

Data Page
maybe, the features missed are:
- colour contrast
- no ABBR attributes used

In this page, the image "tac.jpg" is missed.

Survey Form
maybe, the only feature missed is:
- acronyms and abbreviations are not marked up at their first occurence

In this page I've added <th> to simulate bold text for questions in  
table (Where do you live, etc.).

Navigational Elements
maybe, the featured missed are:
- menu links only work through javascript functions
- rollover effects are done through javascript (as opposed to CSS)
- drop-down menu items implemented with inaccessibile javascript (no  
markup lists etc)
- keyboard access to the menu items does not work

- drop-down list box with auto-forward on selecting an entry
- company logo has faulty alt attribute text (e.g. excessively  
describes the logo image)
[there's no company logo]

>  2. Are there any other barriers that we want to implement in this  
> version?

I'd like to implement a multimedia content (audio or video) to  
display captioning.

>  3. Are there any final observations on the overall look & feel of  
> the site?

I think it's ok.

Received on Monday, 19 December 2005 12:02:56 UTC