RE: WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference 22 March 2022

Regrets for this week as I am in another event which will probably over-run.

Kind regards,


Dr Donal Fitzpatrick
Senior ICT Design Advisor

Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
National Disability Authority
25 Clyde Road
Dublin 4
D04 E409

Phone (main number): +353 (0)1 6080400
Twitter: @NDAIreland; @CEUD_NDA

[Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, NDA]

The National Disability Authority has published its Strategic Plan 2022-2024. Read about our priorities for the next three years.<>

From: Daniel Montalvo <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2022 12:14 PM
Subject: WAI Curricula Task Force Teleconference 22 March 2022

Hello all,

Tuesday 22 March we are going to have another WAI Curricula Task Force


Topic: WAI Curricula Task Force Weekly Meeting

Time: 22 March 2022, 5:00 PM CET (Central Europe Time) (an hour later in US and Canada)

Teleconference link and password:


Port 6665.

Channel #wai-curricula




Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist



Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire. Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú.

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Received on Monday, 21 March 2022 13:54:48 UTC