NO meeting Tuesday March 1. Changing regular meeting time to Friday 14:30 CEST up to two hours

Hi all.

There won't be a meeting Tuesday 1 March.

AS you all know, the planning team has been discussing how to streamline the remaining work on the content author modules.

One of the things we are doing is having the curricula discussions altogether with EOWG on Fridays. Most of you are already
participating in EOWG calls regularly. Others have said they could do at least some of it.

Once the planning team meets on Wednesday, they will be sending the link to EOWG agenda. When there are curricula items in it, I
will be also sending an email to this list for convenience until everyone is familiar with EOWG communications.

Thank you all for your support and collaboration.


Daniel Montalvo

Accessibility Education and Training Specialist

Received on Monday, 28 February 2022 17:57:06 UTC